Will Mayfair make it back on the Monopoly board?

By on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Get Mayfair back on the boardThey say that you’ve got to evolve to keep up with the times and Hasbro’s classic board game, Monopoly, is doing just that to stay current.

Earlier this year, the iron was kicked out of the game and replaced with a cat after Facebook fans voted it in with almost a third of the vote.

And back in 2011, the board game was updated with all new properties to reflect the most expensive areas in London. As a result, purple Mayfair was booted out and Kensington set up shop. After all, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were due to move into the neighbourhood.

But today Mayfair-based hotel Flemings decided to snub the royal residents by launching a campaign to get ‘Mayfair back in the game’.

The launch was marked by a symbolic boot outside the hotel as four Uncle Pennybags (aka Mr Monopoly) encouraged residents and game fanatics to sign a petition to get Mayfair back on the board.

This is a great PR stunt not only for the hotel, but also for the surrounding local businesses backing the campaign. On the one hand, it’s a shame that the news hook is almost two years out of date. But the fact that no one else has challenged Monopoly in all this time makes it right that Flemings should pass ‘go’ and collect some PR points for such a fun campaign.


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