App erased Facebook timeline for 24 hours on World Alzheimer's Day

By on Tuesday, September 25, 2012

An awareness campaign for Alzheimer’s Disease International (here on Facebook) asked people to 'donate' their Facebook timeline in support of World Alzheimer’s Day, September 21st.

By downloading a custom app, users were encouraged to experience how it feels to lose their memory for a day.

On the 21st, the app wiped everything from the user's timeline, in a brilliantly related campaign. All the images, videos, wall posts and statuses were replaced with a message that read:

'Imagine your life without memories. For 36 million people living with A

lzheimer’s disease, this is reality.'

The app only worked on the 21st, with everything going back to normal the day after. The site developed to promote the app is now effectively redundant, but nicely put together, nonetheless.

It's a shame this didn't get more press – key technology titles likely too busy with the iPhone 5 – as 8,000 views for the video below to promote it and attention only on the day or after it is less than it deserved.

Source: PSFK, via Andrew Bloch

Involved agency: Ogilvy Brussels


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