James Patterson releases new interactive thriller via Facebook Messenger

By on Monday, November 5, 2018

Best-selling crime author James Patterson has released his latest story through a rather novel medium – Facebook messenger. “The Chef” is an interactive thriller that follows Caleb Rooney, a police detective by day  and a celebrity food truck chef by night who suddenly finds himself under investigation for a murder.

Readers can follow the story by starting a private message with the new book’s Facebook page and clicking the knife emoji to progress through the tale’s 34 chapters. They are also able to review evidence by swiping through image galleries and play video testimonies along with depositions and surveillance footage to help solve the crime.

“Caleb” himself also has an Instagram account filled with images from his fictional food truck where eagle eyed viewers can spot clues pertaining to the story.


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Anyone know this guy in the yellow? Looks up to no good…

A post shared by Chef Caleb Rooney (@killerchef_nola) on

The author said in statement, “Ten years ago, if you told me I’d see one of my novels come to life through scrolling chat bubbles, I would have laughed,”

“But exploring new ways to connect with fans is important to me and Messenger’s experience for The Chef not only makes the story more accessible to readers across new generations, but offers an enticing and thrilling read like never before.”

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