Elton John makes surprise appearance in Snickers rap battle

By on Friday, August 31, 2018

Musical legend Elton John makes a hilarious surprise appearance in a Snickers advert.

The star lets rip one of his biggest hits in the midst of a rap battle  – while sporting one of his signature suits.

The film kicks off at a house-party with an MC battle featuring up-coming talent, Emarr Kuhomano and Monique Lawz, before Elton steps up to the plate wearing his iconic red glitter jacket and glasses.

Elton appears as the personification of American artist, Boogie amidst a rap battle, when he’s lost his edge due to hunger.

Dale Green, global brand director of Snickers told Variety: “In pairing Elton and his 50-plus years of multi-genre hits with Boogie, a hip-hop artist on the brink of stardom in today’s most popular category, we can connect with our audiences over a shared love of music.”


Agency: AMV BBDO

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