Free GBK burgers to celebrate 15th anniversary

By on Wednesday, March 2, 2016

To celebrate 15 years of Gourmet Burger Kitchen, the restaurant is lovingly giving away 1,500 free burgers across the country, from the 1st until the 3rd March, to a few lucky foodies!

GBK has asked customers to download it’s app in order to receive a unique code which will entitle you to win one of the 500 burgers that day. Launching yesterday the first lot were snapped up in a mere 70 seconds.

Free burger for you, more app users for them. Win win.

Take your app code along to the GBK website tomorrow to see if you can get your hands on one of the free burgers.

You’ve got until the 3rd to get downloading. Don’t worry though, your burger will be valid for two weeks!


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