Budweiser gets social with The Buddy Cup

By on Monday, April 29, 2013


Cheers, Budweiser! A clink of your glass and you’ve made a new friend.

Budweiser Brazil is ‘giving toasting an upgrade’ by unveiling a new concept to make the act of toasting even more high tech. The Buddy Cup is a beer glass that connects with Facebook through a microchip in the bottom. The user connects the cup to their Facebook profile by taking a picture of the chip through an app. Then, when they clink glasses, the chip sends an LED signal and the two become friends.

Tech press, features and social media publications are loving this story, a clever concept showing new ways to integrate on social media.

So, next time you’re out, look out for a Buddy Cup to use your Bud to make more buds – got it?


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