Asda Tickled Pink Bingo

By on Saturday, September 22, 2012

Asda has recently launched 'Tickled Pink Bingo' an in-store campaign as part of the national Tickled Pink 2012 fundraiser. It has been rolled out across 550 national Asda stores from September 17 until November 2. The campaign invites customers to give a donation for a Tickled Pink Bingo dabber, and in turn receive a free bingo card to be played instore.

Bingo players who complete a line, two lines or a full house win a prize – there are over 1000 Asda Gift Experience prizes up for grabs. Additionally, anyone who gets a full house will be entered into a free prize draw for the chance to win a Mini car. The prize draw will take place on December 12th 2012.

The campaign has been supported by instore POS, online activity, PR and will feature in the Asda Magazine. I think it's perfectly targeted at Asda's customer base. Entering its 16th year, Asda’s Tickled Pink campaign benefits two breast cancer charities – Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Campaign. Keep up with all of Asda's Tickled

Pink activities here.

Holly Davies, the national charity partnership manager at Asda commented: “When Banana Kick suggested Tickled Pink Bingo, we thought it was an exciting and fun opportunity to give our Community Life Champions, who deliver our fund raising activity in-store, a single and effective driver to deliver fund raising for Tickled Pink in 2012.”

Richard Flaherty, client services director at Banana Kick added: “We have worked hard alongside Asda to create a fun and exciting concept with a mechanic that is simple and easy to deliver, while giving the customer the thrill of a true bingo experience. We believe that Tickled Pink Bingo will be a huge success in driving fund raising activity this year.”

Involved Agency: Banana Kick


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