Members of the public asked to punch and kick billboard in German stunt

By on Monday, May 21, 2012

Outdoor equipment company EVOC wanted to demonstrate just how indestructible its new backpack is, by – of course – asking members of the public to punch, kick or otherwise hurl themselves at the product, which had been affixed to a billboard the side of a bus stop in Berlin.

The billboard displayed the amount of force the person had impressed upon the bag, posting a photo and the result on its site immediately, entering each user into a league table. Users were then able to tag and share the results via social media.

The video below tells us that the bag was hit, on average, 97 times per hour, that ‘hundreds’ of photos were shared via Facebook and that ‘several magazines’ covered the integrated effort. Facebook fan activity increased by 220%, but we’re unfortunately left in the dark with regards to whether or not the admittedly fun idea sold any actual bags.

Source: PSFK

Involved agency: Publicis Deutschland

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