Carlsberg unveil what is ‘probably the best shopping trolley in the world’

By on Friday, January 29, 2016

Beer brand Carlsberg has today launched what it says is ‘probably the best shopping trolley in the world’ – with public reaction captured in this secretly filmed stunt video filmed in ASDA, Clapham Junction this week.

Having partnered with car customisers Yiannimize, the brand has revamped an ASDA trolley because… well, because it’s cool and they can. (No surprise they decided against working with Tesco, given this).

The upgraded trolley features alloy wheels, custom-built cooling system in the basket for beers, dashboard featuring an in-built digital screen, leather racing seat ‘for style and comfort’ and a satellite navigation system.

If, like me, you enjoy a good behind the scenes – well, here you go:

It’s an odd one, granted – but Carlsberg can get away with it on the strength of what’s surely one of the oldest, still-relevant brand messages?

Involved agency: Clifford French

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