‘Hungry’ Peter Pan statue unveiled in childhood malnutrition campaign

By on Thursday, January 29, 2015

A statue of Peter Pan with a hole in his stomach has been unveiled on London’s South Bank today to launch the ‘Averting a Recipe for Disaster‘ campaign by kid’s food brand Ella’s Kitchen:

Peter Pan

The statue of the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up with an empty stomach is being used as a way to highlight the current and very real issues arising (and only likely to get worse) as a result of childhood malnutrition.

@AvertaDisaster on Twitter is calling on famous names to get behind its efforts, with Sir Richard Branson quick to do so:

Here’s a video highlighting the campaign and call to pledge support by sending a letter to all political party leaders calling for a commitment to a food manifesto for under fives:

Pledge your support here on Change.org. At the time of writing, 770 people had signed the petition, left needing 230 signatures.

Credit: thanks to Chris Byland for tweeting with it!

Involved agency: Big Bird Media

Image courtesy of REX Features.


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