Pugs star in Game of Thrones remake campaign

By on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Between me working on my main business, a separate, soon-to-be-launching idea and bits of freelance PR here and there, I’ve been a bit stretched, so apologies for my relative PRexamples absence.

Anyway, I’m back with what is, I’m not going to lie, a bit of an odd one. A timely, cutesy one, but a bit out there, nonetheless.

To celebrate the fact season 4 of the much vaunted HBO show is now available to buy on blinkbox, three (admittedly awesome) pugs – Roxy, Blue and Bono – have been cast in various lead character roles in the following remake*, entitled ‘The Pugs of Westeros’.

Pugs of Westeros Game of Thrones PR stunt

The remake can be watched here:


And for the content-hungry amongst you, you can watch the making of video here:


* I say remake, I mean well-filmed footage of dressed-up dogs looking slightly bemused by the whole thing. But still, it’s a bit of fun and, you know what? I like that it isn’t taking itself too seriously.

Involved agency: Taylor Herring (read more about this campaign on the agency’s blog)

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