Nokia sends Samsung to the burn clinic, offering Galaxy S4 owner a new Lumia after his handset caught fire.

By on Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Nokia jumped in straight away after they spotted on Twitter that Richard Wygand posted a problem with his Samsung Galaxy S4 and got no response from the company which has numerous Twitter accounts.

It got a bit heated whilst it was charging, and he claims he woke up to see flames around the port area. Richard made a video to comply with Samsung’s policy on having video evidence to have it replaced. They failed to note that he would upload it to YouTube for the whole world to see.

On contacting Samsung, they agreed to replace it, but only if he took down the video and agreed to their terms (full terms here). This backfired as Richard wasn’t happy to do so and instead created another video reading the terms out – the video is now close to reaching 1 million views.

The attempt by Samsung to silence the situation and take it offline failed after the team in charge of social media at Nokia US spotted this and tweeted back publicly, offering one of their handsets and showing him what real customer service is about.

They tweeted back and forth, and eventually Nokia successfully took the conversation offline by getting his email address.



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