Augmented Reality Fairy Tales That Leap From Your Kid’s Sheets

By on Saturday, December 28, 2013

The enduring magic of the ‘bed-time story’ remains the most frequently requested demands from not-so-sleepy kids – an impenetrable nightly tradition successfully fending of the relentless march of consumer tech geared towards your little tykes.

That said, the combination of the worlds of make believe and digital reality have been mashed-up in an impossibly elegant fashion, courtesy of Netherland based digital designers known as TexTales –  employing  AR software to create ‘living’ bed sheets and pillow cases’.


The Dutch boffins are a kick-starter company and – having only just developed the tech – have released it on a limited run of devices at present. As such, only a few lucky parents, or autonomous kiddiewinkles, can currently download the software to their TexTales-enabled tablet or smart phone, which subsequently reveals a series of three-dimensional furry friends and doe eyed cartoon characters that quite literally pop-up from their sheets.

Currently the sets of bedclothes offer a myriad of fairy tale forests and lands that are loosely based around the classic Charles Perrault penned fable of Little Red Riding Hood, complete with 3D images of the soon to be devoured ‘Granny’ and big-bad-cross-dressing ‘Wolf’.


Creator Kristi Kuusk says she hopes TexTales will hopefully “trigger parents to tell stories from their own life experience. Parents are supposed to use their creative mind in constructing the story and build it up together with the children”

What’s more, she believes that the fun, immersive and interactive offering is the ideal way for frustrated parents to get their children to bed on their own (well, almost) –giving rise to the Dutch digital artistes development of a number of other stories for the future.



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